What we plan today will impact our region for years to come. That's why it's critically important that we gather input from the community, and work to project the effects the decisions we make on our area in the years and decades to come.
So, while the public input is important, so too is the ability to project out what the future looks like given the plans we implement today. We have modeled out four scenarios, aimed at projecting what the region looks like in 2050 based upon the effects of this long range plan.
While the plans focus on different actions taken, they all have multiple projects in common:
Addressing location-specific safety issues
Reducing traffic fatalities & major injuries
Installing EV charging ports
Pavement & bridge conditions
Smart pedestrian crossings
Click on each of the links below to learn more about each of the four scenarios.
Additionally, there are basic definitions for Environmental Justice (EJ) areas and Pavement Condition Rating (PCR).

Environmental Justice (EJ) Areas
Using recent American Community Survey (ACS) data on minority and low-income populations, NOACA staff developed a definition of what constitutes an EJ area and produced a subsequent map of these locations. The NOACA Travel demand model zonal system was used as the unit of analysis for this EJ designation and map. In order to be considered an EJ area, one of two thresholds needed to be met:
Greater than 30.73% minority population within a zone
Greater than 12.34% low-income population within a zone

Pavement Condition Rating (PCR)
The Pavement Condition Rating (PCR) measure is a qualitative description of the structural state of the pavement. The PCR values span a spectrum of descriptive narrative ranging from “Very Good” to “Very Poor”. Each roadway segment is scored from 0 to 100 with 0 representing completely distressed pavement and 100 indicating perfect pavement condition.

Pavement Condition
Very Poor
Fair to Poor
Very Good
PCR Range
0 - 39
40 - 54
55 - 64
65 - 74
75 - 89
90 - 100