Scenario 4: Transportation with Optimal Technology and Access for All (TOTAL)
Theme: Advanced Multimodal Transportation System
An advanced multimodal transportation system using emerging transportation technology is the theme of Scenario 4 – Total. This scenario invests in all modes of travel:
The highway network will include major capacity projects.
The improved 2017 visionary rail network is the major transit investment of this scenario. The transit network also includes the transit agencies’ future Bus / BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) plans.
Walk and bike access from major residential neighbors to transit network and from major transit hubs to the regional major job hubs.
The emerging transportation technology will add:
Selected smart freeway lanes (lanes that can be opened or closed by technology that can control the flow of traffic and adjust speed limits when required) to autonomous (driverless) cars and trucks.
Extra Electric vehicle charging ports.
Autonomous (driverless) shuttle buses to improve workers’ accessibility to the regional major job hubs and transit hubs.
The Hyperloop station.
The focus of the eNEO2050 is Equity. This scenario attempts to reduce the average transit work commute time to major regional job hubs to 30 minutes and auto commute time to 20 -30 minutes.
This scenario considers housing developments around transit stations and major job hubs so more workers live closer to where they work. A regional goal in this scenario is to have an additional 1% of the 2050 regional workforce live within 5 miles of the regional job hubs and major rail stations.