Climate Action Planning
Technical Workshops
Technical Workshop Sessions - Nov 28 and 29, 2023
NOACA’s Regional Climate Action Priorities Workshop took place at the NOACA offices on November 28-29, 2023. This workshop was an important opportunity for NOACA staff and technical consultants to share information with invited members of NOACA’s Board of Directors, Climate Action Plan Strategy Committee members and select emergency management representatives. Specifically, attendees heard detailed presentations about the current state of greenhouse gas emissions, climate risks and vulnerable communities/systems of Northeast Ohio. The workshop was an extremely important opportunity for attendees to engage with staff, consultants, and one another to prioritize climate actions to build the region’s resilience and reduce climate pollution through lower emissions.
The priority actions developed with input from this workshop will help frame the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) through its Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Program planning grant. The Cleveland-Elyria Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is one of the 67 most populous MSAs in the United States who received a $1,000,000 CPRG Program planning grant. US EPA requires each of the funded MSAs to complete and submit their PCAPs by March 1, 2024. The PCAPs will set the table for individual or partnered jurisdictions and organizations in the region to apply for some of the US EPA’s $4.6 billion CPRG Program implementation funds through a competitive grant process. Those applications who can clearly demonstrate how their proposals align with regional priorities are more likely to receive funding.
View the PowerPoint presentation and audio below for each session.